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How V-MOL works

Publication Policy

  1. Primary work contribution -> first or shared first authorship
  2. Project conceptualization and leadership -> corresponding or co-corresponding authorship



  1. Computational Biologist
  2. Biochemists
  3. Mass Spectrometrists
  4. Data Scientists

Expertise Required

  1. Enthusiasm

Education Level

  1. High School
  2. Undergraduates
  3. Graduate Students
  4. Post-Doctoral Scholars
  5. Independent Scientists

Meeting Schedule

PI Leaders: Bi-weekly Meetings

Full Virtual Lab Meeting: Monthly

One-on-one meetings: 15 min meetings with PIs for progress and next steps


  1. Virtual Lab Slack Channel
  2. Email List
  3. Zoom - sychronous communication/meetings

Last update: August 25, 2022 15:32:04